ULN2803 Relay Driver Working

In this tutorial, we are going to see the ULN2803 Relay Driver Working Function. Let’s Start. You can also read LPC2148 Relay interfacing, 8051 Relay interfacing, PIC16F877A Relay interfacing, and L293D motor driver working. Introduction of ULN2803 The ULN2803 is a high-voltage, high-current Darlington transistor array. The device consists of eight NPN Darlington pairs that … Read more

L293D Motor Driver Working Operation

L293D Motor Driver Working

In this tutorial, we will see L293d Motor Driver Working Operation. You can also read 8051 DC Motor interfacing, PIC16F877A DC motor interfacing, LPC2148 DC motor interfacing, Bluetooth interfacing with PIC16F877A, and Bluetooth interfacing with 8051. Introduction Even the simplest robot requires a motor to rotate a wheel or performs particular action. Since motors require … Read more

8051 – ADC0808 Interfacing

ADC0808 interfacing with 8051

We had already seen ADC0804 Interfacing in our previous tutorial. So this Tutorial is all about ADC0808 Interfacing with 8051. Suggestion to read 8051 – LCD 4-Bit Interfacing 8051 – ADC0804 Interfacing Introduction In embedded systems microcontrollers needs to take analog input. Most of the sensors & transducers such as temperature, humidity, pressure, are analog. … Read more

LPC2148 – Timer/Counter Tutorial

This article is a continuation of the series of tutorials on the LPC2148 Microcontroller (ARM7). The aim of this series is to provide easy and practical examples that anyone can understand. In the previous tutorial, we have seen LPC2148 (ARM7) GPIO and LED, Switch Interfacing. Now, we will learn about LPC2148 Timer/Counter. In the LED Interfacing … Read more

ESP32 IDF – Serial Communication Tutorial

ESP32 IDF Serial Communication Tutorial

Hi all… Now we will see ESP32 IDF Serial Communication Tutorial. ESP32 has three Serial ports. UART0, UART1, and UART2. ESP32 IDF Serial Communication Tutorial Suggest to Read ESP32 – IDF Programming Getting Started First, we will take the example Program from the example directory. Before coding, I will explain the API and Structures which … Read more

8051 – I2C Tutorial

8051 I2C Interfacing Tutorial

In our previous tutorial, we have interfaced the 8051 with the RFID reader. Now we will see 8051 I2C Interfacing Tutorial. so we will Interface EEPROM to check I2C. 8051 I2C Interfacing Tutorial Suggestion to read Before getting into I2C interfacing with 8051, Please read the below topics. I²C Basics I²C Advanced 8051 -UART Interfacing … Read more

I2C Protocol Introduction – Part 2 (Advanced Topics)

I2C Protocol

This is the continuation of the I2C Protocol Tutorial  Part 1 (I2C Basics). You can also read the I2C Linux device driver. Cont ( I2C Tutorial )… The I2C Protocol bus uses two wires: serial data (SDA) and serial clock (SCL). All I2C master and slave devices are connected with only those two wires. Each … Read more

I2C Introduction – Part 1 (Basics)

I2C Tutorial

In this I2C tutorial, we will see the basics of the I2C Protocol. We divided this tutorial into two Parts. This is the Part 1. You can also see Part 2 (Advanced). You can also read I2C interfacing with 8051, PIC16F877A I2C tutorial, and I2C Linux Device Driver. I2C Tutorial Introduction I2C is a serial … Read more

8051 – Ultrasonic Sensor Interfacing

Ultrasonic Sensor Interfacing with 8051

Hi guys… In our previous tutorial, we have seen ADC0808 interfacing with 8051. Today we are going to see Ultrasonic Sensor Interfacing with 8051. Ultrasonic Sensor Interfacing with 8051 Suggestion to read Before we will start I would suggest you to read these topics. Then you can understand this strongly. If you already know, please … Read more

Ultrasonic Sensor [HC-SR04]

Ultrasonic Sensor

In this tutorial, we will see what is ultrasonic sensors and the applications of ultrasonic sensors and it’s characteristics. Let’s start. You can also read sound sensor interfacing with 8051, sound sensor interfacing with PIC16F877A, sound sensor interfacing with LPC2148, 8051 ultrasonic sensor interfacing, and LPC2148 ultrasonic sensor interfacing. What is an Ultrasonic Sensor? An … Read more