Diagnostics and Communication Management Function Group – UDS Protocol Tutorial Part 2

This article is the continuation of the UDS protocol tutorial and carries the discussion on the Unified Diagnostic Services Protocol. The aim of this series is to provide easy and practical examples that anyone can understand.

In the last article, we have seen the Introduction to the UDS protocol. In this tutorial, we are going to see function units in the UDS protocol. Especially we are going to see about Diagnostics and Communication Management and its supporting services.

First, we need to know the UDS Functional units that are available in the UDS protocol.

UDS Functional Units

Diagnostics Service identifiers are categorized as below functional units,

In this tutorial, we will focus on Diagnostics and Communication Management.

Diagnostics and Communication Management

This Diagnostics and Communication Management Functional unit is to control the diagnostic and communication-related operations in the ECU.

It has the below services.

  1. Diagnostic Session Control -(0x10)
  2. ECU Reset – (0x11)
  3. Security Access – (0x27)
  4. Communication Control – (0x28)
  5. Authentication – (0x29)
  6. Tester Present – (0x3E)
  7. Access Timing Parameters – (0x83)
  8. Secured Data Transmission
  9. Control DTC Settings – (0x85)
  10. Response On Event – (0x86)
  11. Link Control – (0x87)

Diagnostic Session Control

The diagnostic session’s service ID is 0x10 and the Response SID is 0x50.

Diagnostic Session Control is one of the most important services used by UDS. Diagnostic Session control is used for controlling the diagnostic session of the ECU. This service is used to change the current diagnostic session to a different session.

These sessions are used to enable or disable a particular set of diagnostic functions and features in an ECU.

There are many services available in UDS but all the services cannot access the ECU. Some services can access only if the ECU is in the Default session and some of the other services can access the ECU in other sessions.

We can say this diagnostics session control is the gateway to access the ECU. Before doing any diagnostics operations this diagnostic service should give access to run the corresponding services. It is decided by vehicle manufacturers.

Let’s say for example In the default session we can not upgrade the software for the ECU because the Default session doesn’t have access to re-program the ECU. Only in the programming session, we have access to re-program the ECU by the authorized line engineers.

The main purpose of this diagnostic session is to give security to the ECU. It will prevent the ECU from unwanted access. And only an authorized person can access it. If every diagnostics service can access the ECU, it may get damaged by the wrong flashing of software.

So before making any diagnostic request, the Client must make sure that this service is accessible or not in the ECU current session. if not, then first send a request for session change after that desirable request shall be performed.

If the Server(ECU) is in a non-default session or if there is diagnostic inactivity for 5 seconds, the ECU goes back to the default session.

This has many sub-functions that have been explained in the below table.



Default Session(0x01)

  • This session is in an idle state. Whenever the ECU is powered ON, it will be in this default session only. ECU remains in default session until another diagnostic session is requested from the client.
  • Services like Write data byte identifier (0x2E), Read data byte identifier (0x22), ECU Reset (0x11), Tester Present (0x3E), and Reading DTC (0x19) are available in this session.
  • Security access (0x27) is not available. This service has low security compared to all other diagnostics session control sub-functions.

Example: In a garage, a person is trying to read the Diagnostic Trouble Code(DTC).

Programming Session(0x02)

  • This Session is used to program the ECU or transfer data from client to server.
  • All the services that are allowed in the Default session are allowed in this session.
  • ECUs are entered into default session if this session is ended or expired.

Example: Programming session is End line engineer flashing calibration software.

Extended Session(0x03)

  • All services allowed in the Default session are allowed in this session
  • This session is used to unlock the additional diagnostic functions also
  • Security access(0x27) is allowed in this session, meaning security levels are unlocked in this session
  • ECUs entered into default session if this session is ended or expired

Example: This session is End of line engineers doing a dynamic vehicle test to check the security level

Safety system Diagnostic system(0x04)

  • Used to test all safety-critical diagnostic functions.
  • This diagnostics session control sub-function has a high level of security.

Example: This session is checking the safety of Airbags, and tire pressure monitors.

0x05 to 0x3F


Vehicle Manufacture Specific (0x40 to 0x5F)

This session depends on Each OEM, If they want to implement any session based on their requirement they can use it.

System supplier Specific (0x60 to 0X7E)

This session is also like Vehicle Manufacture Specific only but instead of the vehicle manufacturer, if the system suppliers want to implement any session based on their specific requirement they can use it.



Request Frame Format:

The request frame format is given below.

PCI Length


Sub-function ID

Response Frame Format:

There are two types of response frames. That is a Positive response and a Negative response.

Positive Response:

PCI Length


Sub-function ID

Negative Response:

PCI Length



Negative Response Code

Please check the below example for the Diagnostics session transition.

Diagnostics and Communication Management - Diagnostics Session

If we want to switch from one non-default session to another non-default session, first we need to switch to the default session then we can able to switch to another non-default session.

ECU Reset

The ECU reset’s service ID is 0x11 and the Response SID is 0x51.

ECU Reset service is used to restart the particular ECU or all the ECUs in the Vehicle. The motive of this service is to recover the ECU from malfunction or hanged state or non-working condition.

During the reset of the ECU, it will not accept any request from the client and will not send any responses to the client. This service is supported in an Extended session.

After a successful reset, the ECU shall return to the default session.

This has many sub-functions that have been explained in the below table.



Hard Reset (0x01)

  • Hard reset means removing the battery (power supply) from the ECU and connecting the ECU again with the battery.
  • In this type of reset, ECU re-initializes the core hardware components of the system and also It will re-initializes the Non-volatile and volatile memory.
  • This reset may lose some data because the battery is removed suddenly during the running time of the ECU.

Key off On Reset (0x02))

  • The Key Off-On Reset is simply the ignition Off-On process of a vehicle. It is the normal sleep-wake-up mode of a Microcontroller.
  • When we are doing Key Off On reset ECUs will not get the power down immediately. It will go to the boot mode then it will store all the data in Non-Volatile memory and de-initialize the hardware variables without losing any data.
  • In this method of resetting, there is no chance of losing data. This is the proper way to reset, and most of the OEMs are using this type of ECU Reset.

Soft Reset (0x03)

  • A soft reset is nothing but restarting the application’s main software. When we do this type of reset, the stack pointer of the microcontroller points to the main() function’s address. Then it will start to execute from first.

For Example, will take a watchdog reset. Whenever hanging or any malfunctions are happening, this watchdog timer will reset the microcontroller and it will start from the main() function.

Enable Rapid Power shutdown (0x04)

  • In this type of reset, ignition off will not occur. ECU will go to sleep mode and ECU is ready to wake up at any time.

Disable Rapid Power shutdown (0x05)

  • This service is used to disable the previously enabled rapid power shutdown.

The below example explains the ECU Reset process.

ECU Reset

Security Access

The Security Access’s service ID is 0x27 and the Response SID is 0x67.

This security access diagnostic service is used to give security access to the UDS protocol services to avoid security breaches. Some diagnostics data and services can be restricted for safety purposes.

This service will grant Read, and Write access to the particular service. Before processing any of the Service IDs(SID) operation, it’s mandatory to check the security access, to know whether, for this SID, the client has access to read or write.

For example, to upload and download the software, routine control and VIN(Vehicle Identification Number) DID cannot be accessed by everyone some authorized Testers can only access these SIDs.

Security access is granted based on these two,

  1. Seed (0x01)
  2. Key (0x02)
  • The tester sends the request to unlock the ECU using SID 0x27 and sub-function ID 0x01. 0x01 means requesting for seed.
  • The UDS server receives the request assumes conditions are correct and generates the random seed and key based on a cryptographic algorithm and the Server sends the Seed to the client with a positive response.
  • With the received seed, the tester tool generates the key and sends this key to the server to unlock the ECU using SID 0x27 and sub-function ID 0x02. 0x02 means key.
  • If the unlock key sent by the tester tool(client) matches with the server expecting key it will send the positive response and Unlock the ECU otherwise it will send a negative response with the specific negative response code.

The below example explains the complete process.

Security Access Process in Diagnostics and Communication Management

Communication Control

The communication control’s service ID is 0x28 and the Response SID is 0x68.

This communication control service is used to control the communication of the ECU server. This means this service enables or disables the transmission or reception of a message from the server(ECU) via a diagnostics line.

This service is used to control the Transmitter and receiver of the ECU. Testers can use multiple types of communication at the same time.

This service is quite useful in the context in which the communication wants to be stopped for all or a group of ECUs. For example, this can be used during a software download in order to maximize the available bandwidth.

There are 3 types of communication types available which are,

  1. Normal communication message (0x01)
  2. Network management communication message (0x02)
  3. Both Normal communication messages and Network management communication messages (0x03)

The sub-functions are explained in the below table.



Enable Tx and Enable Rx (0x00)

Transmission and Reception of the messages are enabled in this type.

Enable Rx and Disable Tx (0x01)

Transmission of the message is disabled and the Reception of the message is enabled in this type.

Disable Rx and Enable Tx (0x02)

Transmission of the message is enabled and the Reception of the message is disabled in this type.

Disable Tx and Disable Rx (0x03)

Both Transmission and Reception of message is disabled in this type of communication.

The below example explains the complete process.

Communication Control in Diagnostics and Communication Management


This Authentication service was added after the year 2020, and this is used to provide a standardized approach to more modern methods of authentication than are permitted by the Security Access (0x27) service, including bidirectional authentication with PKI-based Certificate Exchange.

The Authentication’s service ID is 0x29 and the Response SID is 0x69.

Tester Present

The Tester present’s service ID is 0x3E and the Response SID is 0x7E.

It is one of the important services in UDS protocol, We will see the purpose of this service ID.

This service is used to indicate to the server, that the client is still connected to the server. This service is used to keep the server alive in the current session except for the default session.

To keep the client in the current session ( Non-default session) tester present (0x3E) is used and the client will send this service (0x3E) periodically.

If the client is not exchanging any data with the server for more than the S3 timer value of approximately 5 seconds (this timing value is explained below in the S3 timer), the server (ECU) will get disconnected for safety purposes and automatically fall back to the Default session.

The sub-functions are explained in the below table.


0x00 – No sub-function value beside SuppressPosResMsgIndication (SPRMI) not supported

0x80 – SuppressPosResMsgIndication (SPRMI) support (7th bit has been set – (SPRMIB))

What is an S3 timer?

The S3 server parameter is the server (ECU) side timing parameter implemented in each ECUs. The main function of the S3 server parameter is to auto-return into the default session from the non-default session (programming, Extended, Safety system session) after the timeout. The timeout value is based on the S3 parameter only.

The S3 timer will start when the tester requests to change to a non-default session and the S3 timer value may vary depending on OEMs but most of the OEMs are keeping the S3 value as 5 seconds.

Why do we need of S3 timer?

  • If the client is not doing anything in the non-default session for the period, then ECU will automatically go to the default session for safety.
  • Suppose the server is not going to the default session and staying in the same non-default session after the timeout. Without knowing that If we start the vehicle, ECU will not work. Because of this, accidents or other failures may happen.


Suppress Positive Response Message Indication Bit (SPRMIB) is only supported in sub-function services with sub-function bytes. This bit is used to define whether the positive response of ECU wants to expose or not to the client.

The suppressPosResMsgIndicationBit is supported via the CAN interface only, not on the K-line and ITS interface.

If the service supports suppressPosResMsgIndicationBit, then bit 7 is interpreted as suppressPosResMsgIndicationBit.

  • When bit 7 is ‘1’(SPRMIB=1) then, ECU will not send the positive response to the client which means it will Suppress the positive response.
  • When bit 7 is ‘0’ (SPRMIB=0) then, ECU will send the positive response to the client which means No suppression of the positive response.
  • If the service is not supporting SPRMIB, then it will send the negative response (Subfunction not Supported) with suppressPosResMsgIndicationBit(SPRMIB)=1.

Note: With SPRMIB we can suppress only positive responses. Negative responses cannot be suppressed.

Here are some of the services with sub-functions that support SPRMIB.




Diagnostics session Control


ECU Reset


Read DTC(Diagnostic Trouble Code) information


Security Access


Communication Control


Routine Control


Tester Present


Access Timing Parameter


Control DTC Setting


Link control

The below example explains the complete process of positive response.

Diagnostics and Communication Management - Tester Present - Positive response

If the service is not supporting SPRMIB, then it will send the negative response (Subfunction not Supported) with suppressPosResMsgIndicationBit (SPRMIB) = 1.

We know the Tester present has only two sub-functions which are 0x00 and 0x80. So, 0x01 to 0x7F is not supported. If you send the not-supported sub-function, then it will send a negative response.

The below example explains the complete process of Negative response.

Diagnostics and Communication Management - Tester Present - Negative Response

Access Timing Parameter

The Access timing parameter’s service ID is 0x83 and the Response SID is 0xC3.

This Access timing parameter service is used to read and write the default timing parameters of a communication link for the duration of this communication. In the communication between the controllers and the client, certain times must be observed.

If these are exceeded without a single message sent, it must be assumed that the connection was interrupted. By using this service the Timeout values and message separation time can be read/written.

The sub-functions are explained in the below table.


0x01 – Read Extended Timing Parameter Set

0x02 – Set Timing Parameters To Default Values

0x03- Read Currently Active Timing Parameters

0x04- Set Timing Parameters To Given Values

It is recommended to use this service (0x83) in physical addressing methods because a different set of extended timing parameters is supported by the server.

Control DTC Settings

The Control DTC Settings’s service ID is 0x85 and the Response SID is 0xC5.

Generally, the Diagnostic Trouble Code(DTC) is used to indicate the failure that was caused by the ECU. In some situations, the tester may think not to detect some errors that occurred in the ECU.

At that time we can use this service. The control DTC Setting service is used when the client/Tester needs to stop or resume the server/ECU updating the DTC when a fault occurs.

This would be very helpful when the client knows the issue in the vehicle but is trying to find the root cause by doing some additional experiments.

The control DTC Setting service is used to turn ON or turn OFF the detection of fault error code.

When the client requests the Server to turn OFF, the Server receives the request and temporarily turns off this feature and the server holds the current value and suspends the new value.

Later, When the client requests the server to turn ON, then the server will update with the new value.

If there is a Clear Diagnostic information service (0x14) requested by the user when the control DTC setting is in the OFF state, the server may still clear the DTC information.

If the client requests the service to be turned OFF when the DTC setting of the server is already in OFF mode, the server responds with a positive response and it will ignore the request.

The sub-functions are explained in the below table.


Turn ON – 0x01

Turn OFF- 0x02

The below example explains the complete process.

Diagnostics and Communication Management - Control DTC Settings

Response On Event

The Response On Event’s service ID is 0x86 and the Response SID is 0xC6.

This Response On Event service requests the server to start or stop the transmission of the response on a specific event. This service automatically executes the diagnostic service when a specific event occurs without getting a request from the client.

The client specifies the event with optional event parameters and the service with service parameters to be executed if the event occurs. Using this service tester can Configure the ECU to send a response to the tester without a request in case any defined event occurs.

Let’s say, for example, Power interruption is an event in a vehicle. If a power interruption occurs while driving the ECU, it will not wait for the tester’s request. The ECU will send the response to the tester/client. In this case, the tester will receive a negative response.

The sub-functions are explained in the below table.


0x00 – Stop Response On Event

0x01- On DTC Status Change

0x02 – On Timer Interrupt

0x03 – On Change Of Data Identifier

0x04 – Report Activated Events

0x05 – Start Response On Event

0x06 – Clear Response On Event

0x07- On Comparison Of Values

Link Control

The Link control‘s service ID is 0x87 and the Response SID is 0xC7.

Link control can be used to change the communication parameters between the client and server to increase the baud rate. So the tester can exchange the data between the Tester and the server very quickly.

The sub-functions are explained in the below table.


0x01 – Verify Baud rate transition with fixed Baud rate

0x02 – Verify Baud rate transition with specific Baud rate

0x03 – Transition Baud rate

Okay, We think we have covered most of the services in the Diagnostics and Communication Management Function Group. In our next tutorial, we will discuss the Data Transmission Function Group.

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