From Keyboard to Stethoscope: Computers in College Nursing Education  

In most healthcare situations, electronic health records (EHRs) are becoming the norm. Nurses must use computers to access EHRs on a consistent basis in the course of their daily routines. They must have a good grasp of how to use the computers to access these records. EHRs mean patients no longer have to repeat their medical history and health information multiple times. A healthcare team has quick access to the current health information of any patient. 

How nurses use computers in their daily schedule

  • Record patient information and treatment on the electronic health record. This allows other team members to access it and the whole team can track a patient’s progress.
  • Access clinical knowledge such as nursing best practices or information about drugs to understand a patient’s health situation and plan of care.
  • Get information about past and current health data on the electronic record to monitor a patient’s recovery over time. Check past and current medications given to patients to ensure they receive the right treatment. Verifying orders before administering medication can help them to avoid medication errors. Checking medications can also prevent them from giving drugs to patients that interact negatively with their other medications.

Nurses studying at college and gaining practical experience at the same time can find it difficult to handle all their responsibilities. If they need help they can turn to online nursing writing services to help them with essay writing. A paper writer at an essay service knows how to write a paper on a wide variety of topics. Student nurses can communicate with a writer and discuss what they need. They will receive a unique paper at a reasonable price and will even get their money back if they aren’t happy with the end result or want further improvements.

Do nurses use special computers?

The types of computers nurses use aren’t any different from those in use in homes and offices. The difference lies mainly in the software programs they use. This software is specifically designed for healthcare situations. Nurses have to learn how to use the software. Computers may be situated at a nursing station or in another easily accessible location. Some nurses may use a small hand-held device called a personal digital assistant (PDA). For nursing students facing the challenge of documenting this technical knowledge in their studies, a nursing essay writing service can provide valuable assistance, ensuring their essays and papers are as precise and practical as the technology they use. Mobile devices like this are wireless so they can interact remotely with a main computer. They can access records, look for information, and make notes about patient care from anywhere in a ward.

What kind of information do nurses enter on a computer?

Nurses enter the same type of information that they used to write on a paper chart. This includes details such as blood pressure, temperature, and oxygen levels. They will also note their observations about how the patient is doing. They have to know how to save the readings electronically so they are available for all team members to see. This information helps them to make informed decisions about treatment.

Is a patient’s private and confidential information safe?

Healthcare organizations must ensure that all healthcare workers follow strict rules and regulations when using computers. They also use advanced security features to help protect the private and confidential information of patients. Users of computers should only have access to the information they need to do their work. This helps to ensure that computer systems remain secure and confidential information stays safe.   

Reliable health information 

The amount of health information available online is extensive but not all of it is reliable. Nurses need to make sure that they access reliable online information when they study nursing and practice it. Some reliable sources are government, professional nursing associations, and educational institution websites. Access to reputable online medical books and references can be very helpful.  


A persistent shortage of nursing staff in certain places leaves some communities without access to quality health care. Telemedicine gives patients the opportunity to discuss their health concerns with nurses. This can help them to decide whether they need to go to a healthcare facility. Without computers, internet access, and the right software, telemedicine wouldn’t be an option. Nurses can use software or an app to communicate with other members of a care team or family members.  


Computer systems in healthcare increase the consistency, quality, and reliability of patient care. They offer nurses quick access to clinical information related to a patient’s health. The systems also give all the members of a healthcare team access to relevant information about patients and other resources relating to best clinical practices. Security should be paramount and utmost care should be taken in this regard.

Author’s Bio – James Hughey writes in the technology sector covering trending and popular topics that readers love. From AI/ML to blockchain and cloud computing to data analytics, his academic papers are famous for their quality and referencing help they provide to students. He’s a star writer and with this pace, he’s sure to become one of the greatest in the future.

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