Top 9 Linux Server Security Best Practices


Linux transcends being a mere operating system; it stands as a tribute to the collaborative force of open-source creativity. Conceived in 1991 as Linus Torvalds’ endeavor, Linux has evolved into a worldwide sensation. It showcases values such as openness and flexibility. It has become the pillar for a myriad of applications, spanning from web hosting to the realm of supercomputing. In 2022, the world’s top 500 supercomputers, the titans of computational power, unanimously chose Linux as their trusted guardian. Furthermore, stats reveal that were it not for Linux, the internet would most likely not exist. Quite interesting. Isn’t it? In fact, Linux runs 96.3% of the world’s top one million. That is how powerful Linux is.

But like all cyber products, Linux is vulnerable to security threats. This article delves into the world of Linux server security. It unveils the best practices that ensure the robust defense of these indispensable systems. It will equip you with the knowledge and tools to safeguard your Linux servers against the relentless tide of cyber threats.

The State of Linux Server Security

Linux has earned its reputation as a fortress among operating systems, boasting fewer vulnerabilities when compared to its Windows and macOS counterparts. However, it’s essential to recognize that Linux is not invulnerable to online risks. Within the realm of Linux, the primary vulnerabilities often revolve around privilege escalation, memory corruption, and the exposure of sensitive information. These entry points serve as the footholds that cyber attackers exploit to infiltrate Linux systems and pilfer sensitive data.

Disturbingly, reports from authoritative sources like The National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and Crowdstrike have sounded a warning bell. With each passing year, Linux vulnerabilities have been on the rise. To illustrate this point, consider that in 2020 alone, a staggering 1,958 Linux vulnerabilities were reported. The following year, 2021, saw a 35% surge in malware targeting Linux systems compared to the previous year. The year 2022 brought forth cause for significant concern, as it marked a staggering surge. The count of novel Linux malware cases soared to almost 1.7 million, depicting an astonishing 650% surge compared to the prior year.

This alarming escalation underscores the urgency of addressing this growing trend. In the subsequent section, we will delve into best practices for enhancing Linux server security.

9 Linux Server Security Best Practices

1.    Generate an SSH Key Pair

Generating an SSH key pair is a fundamental step towards bolstering server security. While passwords offer a degree of protection, SSH key pairs are an even more robust defense against unauthorized access.

Passwords, while convenient, can become weak links due to users’ tendency to choose easily guessable options, thus endangering the entire security infrastructure. On the flip side, SSH key pairs offer a robust defense against brute force assaults, courtesy of their encryption protocols. In simple terms, an SSH key pair resembles a 12-character password, yet, in practice, they often prove far more intricate, thereby intensifying security measures. To craft an SSH key pair, follow this command:

You will be given the choice to select the storage location for the key or utilize the default location. However, consider the potential for SSH key sprawl, where numerous key pairs accumulate, potentially creating security gaps. Factor in the risk of physical attacks versus digital breaches when deciding where to store keys. Once you’ve chosen a storage location and created a passphrase, you can now count your Linux server as secure.

2.    Regular System Updates for Ongoing Security

Keeping your Linux server’s software and packages up-to-date is a non-negotiable aspect of server security. Regular updates are akin to fortifying your server’s defenses, as they patch known vulnerabilities and shield them from emerging threats. Neglecting updates exposes your system to potential exploits. Therefore, it’s imperative to establish a routine for applying security patches promptly. Be vigilant by subscribing to security advisories from trustworthy sources to stay informed about vulnerabilities that may impact your server.

3.    Secure Remote Access

Securing remote access to your Linux server is paramount. One crucial step to fortify your server against eavesdropping and data tampering is installing an SSL certificate. When you buy SSL certificate and install it, you bring data encryption power to all data exchanges happening between your Linux server and user browsers. This additional security measure not only shields confidential data but also fosters trust among your user base, providing them with confidence that their information is under robust protection.

4.    Harness the Power of Automated Updates

Enabling automatic updates is a prudent strategy to maintain a secure Linux server. Automation ensures that crucial patches are applied without delay, reducing the window of vulnerability. However, exercising caution in configuring automatic updates is essential to avoid potential disruptions to critical services. Striking a balance between automation and system stability is key to ensuring that your server remains both secure and reliable.

5.    Embrace the Principle of Least Privilege

Implementing the principle of least privilege is a foundational security practice. It involves granting users and applications the minimum level of access required to perform their tasks. This proactive approach minimizes potential points of compromise, limiting the damage that malicious actors can inflict. By adhering to this principle, you enhance security without sacrificing essential functionality. Regularly review user permissions and access rights to ensure they align with the principle of least privilege.

6.    Streamlining Your Software Portfolio for Safety

Reducing your Linux server’s software footprint is a strategic move in enhancing its security posture. A smaller number of installed packages translates to fewer potential vulnerabilities available for exploitation. To achieve this, it’s important to remove unused or unnecessary software regularly. Conduct thorough audits of your server’s software stack to identify and uninstall any components that are no longer essential, thereby reducing your server’s attack surface.

7.    Safeguard Data with Regular Backups and Testing

Utilizing backups is a fundamental element of server security. Regularly backing up critical data and system configurations is your insurance policy against data loss and unexpected system failures. Equally important is the routine testing of these backups to ensure their reliability and effectiveness. A comprehensive backup strategy, coupled with regular testing, guarantees swift recovery in the face of unforeseen incidents, preserving the integrity and availability of your server’s data.

8.    Eliminate Unnecessary Software to Fortify Security

Removing extraneous or unused software from your Linux server is a critical step in enhancing security. Unnecessary software introduces potential vulnerabilities, increasing the risk of exploitation. Conducting regular software audits helps identify and uninstall software that no longer serves a purpose, thereby reducing your server’s exposure to potential threats. By maintaining a lean and efficient server environment, you reinforce its defenses and minimize the avenues through which malicious actors can compromise it.

9.    Audit and Secure Open Ports to Shield Your Server

Ensuring the security of your Linux server begins with auditing and securing open ports. Identifying open ports using tools like ‘netstat’ or ‘nmap’ is the first step. Once identified, close any unnecessary ports and configure firewall rules to permit only essential traffic. This proactive approach fortifies your server’s perimeter, safeguarding it from potential threats and unauthorized access attempts. Regularly review and update your firewall rules to adapt to changing security needs and evolving threat landscapes.


Securing your Linux server is imperative, given the constantly changing threat environment. The adoption of the recommended practices discussed in this article is not just advisable but essential. These measures bolster your server’s protections, diminishing weaknesses, and elevating its capacity to withstand cyber threats. Regular updates, the principle of least privilege, streamlined software, robust backups, software removal, and diligent port management collectively form a formidable security strategy. Protecting your Linux server is an ongoing commitment, and these practices are your shield in the digital battleground. Stay vigilant, stay secure. Embrace these strategies today to safeguard your server and data from potential threats. Your server’s security is in your hands; act now and stay vigilant for a safer digital future.

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