Introduction to Verilog-HDL Part 1

This article is the series of the Verilog – HDL and carries the discussion on VHDL. The aim of this series is to provide easy and practical examples that anyone can understand. This is the Introduction to Verilog – HDL Part 1.

Introduction to Verilog – HDL Part 1

What is Verilog HDL?

The Verilog Hardware Description Language (Verilog HDL) is a language that portrays the way of behaving of electronic circuits, most usually digital circuits. Verilog HDL is characterized by IEEE standards. You can involve Verilog HDL for planning and for designing test elements to verify the way of behaving of a piece of hardware. Synthesis tools like Quartus® Prime Integrated Synthesis, simulation tools like Active-HDL/Riviera-PRO, and formal verification tools all employ Verilog HDL as an entry format.


Verilog was invented by Prabhu Goel, Phil Moorby, Chi-Lai Huang, and Douglas Warmke around mid-1984. Initially, Verilog was simply planned to depict and permit simulation meaning the computerized combination of subsets of the language to actually feasible designs was created after the language had accomplished far and wide utilization.


Around 1990 Cadence Design System, whose essential item around then included a Thin-film process test system, chose to gain Gateway Automation System. Alongside other Gateway items, Cadence presently turned into the proprietor of the Verilog language and kept on
showcasing Verilog as both a language and a test system. Cadence perceived assuming Verilog stayed a shut language, the tensions of normalization would ultimately make the business shift to VHDL. Thusly, Cadence coordinated the Open Verilog International (OVI), and in 1991 gave it the documentation for the Verilog Hardware Description Language. This was the occasion that “opened” the language. Verilog was subsequently submitted to IEEE and became IEEE Standard 1364-1995, generally alluded to as Verilog-95.

Verilog 2001

Another Verilog framework was shipped off the IEEE that offered upgrades to the framework. called as the IEEE 1364-2001, it is also called the Verilog-2001. The greater part of the updates included help for factors and marked nets, a streamlining of the process of the marked task that assisted with working on by and large execution. Moreover, there was command over the explanation launch which additionally further developed the interaction fundamentally.

Verilog 2005

Verilog 2005 (IEEE Standard 1364-2005) comprises minor amendments, spec explanations, and a couple of new language highlights.


Since the Verilog-2005, an update that was made with new capacities and highlights which help in plan of design and verification: called the SystemVerilog. The SystemVerilog-2009 addresses a blend of both Verilog and SystemVerilog guidelines and the ongoing version is known as IEEE 1800-2017.

It is the most popular language for IC design and verification.

Difference between Verilog and VHDL (Verilog vs VHDL)

VHDL is an HDL utilized in design automation to define digital and mixed-signal systems Verilog is a hardware description the language used for modeling electronic systems
VHDL is a comparatively older language (introduced in 1980) Verilog is a newer language (introduced in 1984)
The compilation is not an issue Compilation order is important
VHDL allows user-defined data types Verilog has two major data types and user-defined data types are not allowed
It is based on Ada/Pascal languages and hence harder to learn It is based on the C language and hence easier to learn
VHDL supports multi-dimensional array usage Verilog does not support multi-dimensional array usage

This is the Introduction to Verilog. In our next article, we will discuss Modeling, Simulation, and Synthesis in VLSI.

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