STM32 MikroC Bootloader using SD Card

This article is a continuation of the Series on STM32 MikroC Bootloader Development and carries the discussion on Bootloader design and implementation. The aim of this series is to provide easy and practical examples that anyone can understand. This post is STM32 MikroC Bootloader using SD Card– Bootloader Tutorial Part 3. In this post, we are going to modify the bootloader code from the previous tutorial, and going to add the SD card feature.


In this simple STM32 MikroC bootloader example, we will be using the concepts which have been explained already in the below-given tutorials. So I would request you to go through those tutorials first if you are not familiar with those topics.

If you want to develop the bootloader for STM32 with STM32CubeIDE, please refer to these tutorials.

Hardware/Software Required

In this demo, we have used the below components and software.

We have our own EmbeTronicX Store called ChipTronicX. You can purchase the hardware from ChipTronicX.

  • STM32F411 Microcontroller (You can use any other stm32 controller. But you need to set the proper flash address)
  • SD Card Reader
  • USB to UART Converter
  • MikroC Pro for ARM IDE

STM32 MikroC Bootloader using SD Card

In our last tutorial, we developed a simple STM32 MikroC Bootloader, and using that, we were updating the application through UART. We have updated the source code on top of the previous tutorial.


  • LED – PC13 (Onboard LED)
  • UART 1 (PA9, PA10) – For data transfer (115200Bps) (Use USB to Serial converter)
  • UART 2 (PA2, PA3) – For Debug Prints (115200Bps) (Use USB to Serial converter)
  • SD Card Reader (SPI) – (PA8 – CS, PB13 – SPI CLK, PB14 – SPI MISO, PB15 – SPI MOSI) – Make sure you are giving 5V to the SD card reader.

Source code – STM32 SD Card Bootloader

Bootloader Source Code

In the project’s Library manager, please enable Conversions, C_String, FLASH, MMC, SDIO, SPI, UART, and FAT32 Libraries. please refer to the below image. Because we are going to use those.

STM32 MikroC Bootloader using SD Card

Please check the below-modified bootloader source code. In this source code, we have added two macros called UART_FIRMWARE_UPDATE and SD_CARD_FIRMWARE_UPDATE. You can enable the macro which you want. If you want the Firmware update using UART, then enable UART_FIRMWARE_UPDATE . If you want to enable the Firmware update through an SD card, then enable SD_CARD_FIRMWARE_UPDATE. By default, both will be enabled. You can also find this code on GitHub.

In this example, we are initializing the SPI and FAT32 Library. Then we are checking “Application_STM32.bin” file is present in the SD card. If it is present, then we are updating that firmware in the STM32. Then we are checking the data from the UART1 also for Firmware update. You can disable this feature if you don’t want.

#include "built_in.h"

#pragma orgall 0x40000
#define BOOTLOADER_START_ADDR   0x40000
#define START_PROGRAM_ADDR      0x60000
#define FLASH_DEFAULT_ADDR      0x08000000

#define MAX_BLOCK_SIZE          ( 1024 )                  //1KB
#define MAX_APP_SIZE            ( 262144 )                //256KB
#define FIRMWARE_FILE_NAME      "Application_STM32.bin"

#define UART_FIRMWARE_UPDATE     //Enable this macro for UART Bootloader
#define SD_CARD_FIRMWARE_UPDATE  //Enable this macro for SD Card Bootloader

void Write_Begin();
void FLASH_EraseWrite(unsigned long address);

static char block[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];

#include "__Lib_FAT32.h"
#include "__Lib_MMC.h"

sbit Mmc_Chip_Select at GPIOA_ODR.B8;

__HANDLE fileHandle;


//LED Pin PC13
sbit LED at ODR13_GPIOC_ODR_bit;

void Start_Program() org START_PROGRAM_ADDR

void Mmc_TimeoutCallback(char errorCode) {
  // if there was error during the INIT sequence
  if (errorCode == _MMC_INIT_TIMEOUT) {
    UART2_Write_Text("INIT TIMEOUT!!!\r\n");

  // if there was error during the CMD sequence
  if (errorCode == _MMC_CMD_TIMEOUT) {
    UART2_Write_Text("READ TIMEOUT!!!\r\n");

  // if there was error during the SPI sequence
  if (errorCode == _MMC_SPI_TIMEOUT) {
    UART2_Write_Text("SPI TIMEOUT!!!\r\n");

void SD_Card_FW_Update( void )
  uint32_t size;
  char str[10] = {0};
  uint32_t temp_size = 0;
  uint32_t read_size = 0;
  int del_file = 0;

  UART2_Write_Text("Ok\r\nFiles available in the SD Card:");
  //Set the UART 2 as active. Because FAT32_Dir will send the contents to the
  //Active uart. By default, Active UART will be UART1.
  UART_Set_Active(&UART2_Read, &UART2_Write, &UART2_Data_Ready, &UART2_Tx_Idle);
  // Open Firmware file with read permission
  UART2_Write_Text("Open Firmware file... ");
  if(fileHandle != 0) {
    UART2_Write_Text("No Firmware File Found!!!\r\n");
  else {
    FAT32_Size(FIRMWARE_FILE_NAME, &size);
    IntToStr(size, str);
    UART2_Write_Text("Firmware File Size = ");
    if( size <= MAX_APP_SIZE ) {
      if( size > 0 )  {
        while( temp_size < size ) {
          if( ( size - temp_size ) > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE ) {
            read_size = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE;
          else {
            read_size = ( size - temp_size );

          IntToStr(read_size, str);
          UART2_Write_Text("Read Block Size = ");

          FAT32_Read(fileHandle, block, read_size);

          if( temp_size == 0 ) {
            //--- If 256 words (1024 bytes) recieved then write to flash
          if(temp_size < BOOTLOADER_START_ADDR) {

          temp_size += read_size;

          //Clear the memory
          memset( block, 0, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE );
        UART2_Write_Text("SD Card Firmware Update Done!!!\r\n");

        del_file = 1;
    else {
      UART2_Write_Text("App size is maximum, Can't Process...\r\n");
    // Close the file

    if( del_file == 1 ) {
      UART2_Write_Text("Deleting the Firmware File!!!\r\n");
      //Delete the file

unsigned short UART_Write_Loop(char send, char receive)
  unsigned int rslt = 0;

    LED = 1;       // ON PC13
    LED = 0;       // OFF PC13

    if (rslt == 0x64)           // 100 times
      UART2_Write_Text("No data received from UART!!!\r\n");
      return 0;
    if(UART_Data_Ready()) {
      if(UART_Read() == receive)
        return 1;
void FLASH_EraseWrite(unsigned long address)
  unsigned int i = 0;
  unsigned int dataToWrite;


  for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
    dataToWrite = block[i * 2] | (block[i * 2 + 1] << 8);
    FLASH_Write_HalfWord( ( address + i*2 + + FLASH_DEFAULT_ADDR ), dataToWrite);

void Write_Begin()
  unsigned int i;
  unsigned long* ptr;
  unsigned char appResetVector[16];
  unsigned long arm_m0_inst;
  unsigned int dataToWrite;

  //LDR R0, PC+X
  arm_m0_inst = 0x4800 + 1;

  appResetVector[0] = arm_m0_inst;
  appResetVector[1] = arm_m0_inst >> 8;

  //MOV SP, R0
  arm_m0_inst = 0x4685;

  appResetVector[2] = arm_m0_inst;
  appResetVector[3] = arm_m0_inst >> 8;

  //LDR R0, PC+Y
  arm_m0_inst = 0x4800 + 1;

  appResetVector[4] = arm_m0_inst;
  appResetVector[5] = arm_m0_inst >> 8;

  //BX R0
  arm_m0_inst = 0x4700;
  appResetVector[6] = arm_m0_inst;
  appResetVector[7] = arm_m0_inst >> 8;

  appResetVector[8] = block[0];
  appResetVector[9] = block[1];
  appResetVector[10] = block[2];
  appResetVector[11] = block[3];

  appResetVector[12] = block[4];
  appResetVector[13] = block[5];
  appResetVector[14] = block[6];
  appResetVector[15] = block[7];


  //Clear the 7th Sector (App Start Point)

  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    dataToWrite = appResetVector[i * 2] | (appResetVector[i * 2 + 1] << 8);
    FLASH_Write_HalfWord( ( START_PROGRAM_ADDR + FLASH_DEFAULT_ADDR + i*2 ), dataToWrite);


  ptr = (unsigned long*)0x00000000;
  block[0] = LoWord(*ptr);
  block[1] = LoWord(*ptr) >> 8;
  block[2] = HiWord(*ptr);
  block[3] = HiWord(*ptr) >> 8;


  block[4] = LoWord(*ptr);
  block[5] = LoWord(*ptr) >> 8;
  block[6] = HiWord(*ptr);
  block[7] = HiWord(*ptr) >> 8;

  //Erase Application area
void Start_Bootload()
  unsigned int i = 0;
  char xx, yy;
  long j = 0x0;
  int k =0;
  unsigned int fw_size = 0;
  unsigned int curr_fw_size = 0;

  //Get firmware Size
  //--- Ask for yy
  while (!UART_Data_Ready()) ;
  //--- Read yy
  yy = UART_Read();
  //--- Ask for xx
  while (!UART_Data_Ready()) ;
  //--- Read xx
  xx = UART_Read();

  fw_size = yy | (xx << 8);

  while (1) {
    if( (i == MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) || ( curr_fw_size >= fw_size ) ) {
      //--- If 256 words (1024 bytes) recieved then write to flash
      if (!j)
      if (j < BOOTLOADER_START_ADDR) {

      i = 0;
      j += 0x400;

      for(k=0; k<MAX_BLOCK_SIZE; k++)
        block[k] = 0;
    if( curr_fw_size >= fw_size )
      LED = 1; // OFF PC13
      UART2_Write_Text("UART Firmware Update Done!!!\r\n");
      UART2_Write_Text("Jumping to Application!!!\r\n");

    //--- Ask for yy
    while (!UART_Data_Ready()) ;
    //--- Read yy
    yy = UART_Read();
    //--- Ask for xx
    while (!UART_Data_Ready()) ;
    //--- Read xx
    xx = UART_Read();
    //--- Save xxyy in block[i]
    block[i++] = yy;
    block[i++] = xx;

    curr_fw_size += 2;

void main()
  int i;
  Mmc_Timeout_Values timeout;

  UART2_Init(115200);                                        //Debug Print UART

  GPIO_Digital_Output(&GPIOA_BASE,_GPIO_PINMASK_8);          //Chip Select
  GPIO_Digital_Output(&GPIOB_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_13);        //SPI CLK
  GPIO_Digital_Input(&GPIOB_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_14);         //SPI MISO
  GPIO_Digital_Output(&GPIOB_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_15);        //SPI MOSI

  UART2_Write_Text("!------Firmware Update using SD Card------!\r\n");
  UART2_Write_Text("Initialize SPI...\r\n");



  // initialize timeout structure
  timeout.cmd_timeout  = 2000;
  timeout.spi_timeout  = 2000;
  timeout.init_timeout = 2000;

  // set the desired timeout values and callback function
  Mmc_SetTimeoutCallback(&timeout, &Mmc_TimeoutCallback);

  UART2_Write_Text("Initialize FAT library...");

  i = FAT32_Init();
  if(i != 0)
    char str[10] = {0};
    IntToStr(i, str);
    // if there was a problem while initializing the FAT32 library
    UART2_Write_Text("Error! Err = ");

  UART2_Write_Text("!------Firmware Update using UART------!\r\n");
  if(UART_Write_Loop('g','r'))       // Send 'g' for ~5 sec, if 'r'
    Start_Bootload();                //   received start bootload
    UART2_Write_Text("Jumping to Application!!!\r\n");
    Start_Program();                  //   else start program

  UART2_Write_Text("No Application Available...HALT!!!\r\n");

Application Source Code

We have not changed anything from the application source code. Thus, we are going to use the same application which we used in our previous tutorial. So, the PC13 LED will be blinking every 1 second for testing. You can get the source code on GitHub.

Testing the STM32 MikroC Bootloader using SD Card

  • Insert the SD card into the PC and format it with the FAT32 filesystem.
  • Then place the “Application_STM32.bin” to the SD Card.
  • Eject the SD card and insert that into the SD card reader that is connected to the STM32. Make sure you are giving 5V to the SD card reader. Otherwise, you might get a FAT32 error.
  • Flash the Bootloader_STM32.bin to the STM32.
  • It should get the new application from the SD card and Flash it.
  • Then the LED should be blinking every 1 second.
  • You should see the below prints.
!------Firmware Update using SD Card------!
Initialize SPI...
Initialize FAT library...Ok

Files available in the SD Card:
---D-SH-       DIR 21/04/2023 18:02 System Volume Information
--A-----      2496 11/04/2023 22:45 Application_STM32.bin

Open Firmware file... OK
Firmware File Size =   2496
Read Block Size =   1024
Read Block Size =   1024
Read Block Size =    448
SD Card Firmware Update Done!!!
Deleting the Firmware File!!!
!------Firmware Update using UART------!
No data received from UART!!!
Jumping to Application!!!

Please read the other STM32 Bootloader Tutorials. You can also read the below tutorials.

Linux Device Driver Tutorials C Programming Tutorials
FreeRTOS Tutorials NuttX RTOS Tutorials
RTX RTOS Tutorials Interrupts Basics
I2C Protocol – Part 1 (Basics) I2C Protocol – Part 2 (Advanced Topics)
STM32 Tutorials LPC2148 (ARM7) Tutorials
PIC16F877A Tutorials 8051 Tutorials
Unit Testing in C Tutorials ESP32-IDF Tutorials
Raspberry Pi Tutorials Embedded Interview Topics
Reset Sequence in ARM Cortex-M4 BLE Basics
VIC and NVIC in ARM SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface Protocol
STM32F7 Bootloader Tutorials Raspberry PI Pico Tutorials
STM32F103 Bootloader Tutorials RT-Thread RTOS Tutorials
Zephyr RTOS Tutorials – STM32 Zephyr RTOS Tutorials – ESP32
AUTOSAR Tutorials UDS Protocol Tutorials
Product Reviews STM32 MikroC Bootloader Tutorial
VHDL Tutorials

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