STM32 Ethernet Example ā€“ HTTP Server Part 1

This is theĀ Series of tutorialsĀ on the STM32 Microcontroller. The aim of this series is to provide easy and practical examples that anyone can understand. In this article, we are going to see the STM32 Ethernet Example program which runs a simple HTTP server.

Hardware Required

STM32 Ethernet Example

In this tutorial, we are going to create a simple HTTP web server in the STM32. Then we are going to access the web server through the ethernet port. Letā€™s get started.

Project Creation

Create the new project in STM32CubeIDE. Then in the .ioc file, Click ā€œConnectivityā€ ā€“> ā€œETHā€œ. Set the Mode as RMII. Please refer to the below image.

Enabling Ethernet

Now we need to modify the pins based on our Nucleo board. In our STM32F767Zi Nucleo board, the below pins are connected to the ethernet port.

Pin Name Pin Function
PA1RMII Reference Clock (ETH_REF_CLK)
STM32F767Zi Nucleo Board Ethernet connection

But in the STM32CubeIDE, PG13, and PG11 are not enabled. Instead, other pins are used. Change the ETH_TXD0 pin to PG13 and ETH_TX_EN pin to PG11. The rest of the other pins are same as the STM32F767Zi board pins. Ensure you enabled all the pins like the below image.

Using PG13 and PG11

Then Click the ā€œMiddlewareā€ ā€“> ā€œLWIPā€ and Enable that. Then, In the Platform Settings, Select the LAN8742 as a Driver_PHY. Refer to the below image.

stm32 ethernet phy
Enable LwIP and Select the PHY

Now, we will set the IP address. Click the General Settings, and Disable the LWIP_DHCP(DHCP Module). Then set the IP address, Netmask, and Gateway like the below image.

stm32 ethernet lwip
Set IP Address

Now our IP address is Then click the HTTPD and enable the LWIP_HTTPD. Refer to the below image.

stm32 ethernet http
HTTP Enable

We are going to use the User LED for blinking. So, enable the PB0 pin as GPIO Output. Refer to the below image.

stm32 ethernet mac address
Enable GPIO PB0

Now, click the Clock Configuration. The clock is not configured properly. It is asking me to run the automatic clock issue resolver. Click Yes (If you donā€™t want to set it manually). You can setup manually also based on your project. Refer to the below image.

stm32 ethernet clock
Clock Setup

It has resolved the clock issues automatically. Thatā€™s it. We have configured it. Save this ioc file and it will auto-generate the code for us. You can see the video explanationĀ hereĀ if you are confused.

Note: This project was setup with STM32CubeMx V6.6.1 using STM32Cube FW_F7 V1.17.0.

Source Code ā€“ STM32 Ethernet Example

Add the below code to the main.c file between USER CODE BEGIN Includes and USER CODE END Includes).

You can get the entire project code from GitHub.

/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
#include "lwip/apps/httpd.h"
/* USER CODE END Includes */

Add the below code between USER CODE BEGIN 2 and USER CODE END 2. This code will initialize the HTTP server.

  uint32_t count = 0;
  /* USER CODE END 2 */

Add the below code between the while (1) and USER CODE END WHILE. This MX_LWIP_Process() function process the HTTP server. And to know that process is running perfectly without any issues, we are toggling the PB0 LED every 10000 times.

  while (1)
    if( count >= 10000)
      HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_0 );    //Green LED Toggle
      count = 0;

Now build the source code.

You will get the error called ā€œ/Middlewares/Third_Party/LwIP/src/include/lwip/apps/httpd_opts.h:386:27: fatal error: fsdata_custom.c: No such file or directoryā€œ. We will have to generate this file based on our webpage. Now we will do that.


Download this zip file and extract it. To run this, we need to install Perl on our machine. Download and install Perl from the official website.

Then open the command terminal and run the following command under the extracted directory.


You should get the output like below and it should generate the fsdata_custom.c and fsdata.c files.

opening root directory, found the following files and all subdirectories to process:
  404.html index.html

Starting convert files to arrays process:
  Adding file: 404.html
  /404.html, Bytesread = 1745

  Adding file: index.html
  /index.html, Bytesread = 1413

Now we have fsdata_custom.c and fsdata.c files. Copy that and add those files to the Middlewares ā€“> Third_Party ā€“> LwIP ā€“> Src ā€“> apps ā€“> HTTP. Refer to the below image.

stm32 ethernet example
Add fsdata_custom.c and fsdata.c

Now we will exclude those two files from the build. Select those two files and right-click. Then click Resource configurations ā€“> Exclude from build. Refer to the below image.

Exclude those files from Build

Now select Debug and Release then click OK. Refer to the below image.

stm32 ethernet example

Thatā€™s it. Now build the project. There should not be any errors. Flash the bin file to the STM32F767Zi.


Connect the LAN cable (RJ45 cable) to the STM32F7 and Router. Now, ensure your machine or mobile is connected to the same router through wifi or ethernet cable. Refer to the below image.

Note: Ensure that the jumpers are connected in JP6 and JP7 in the STM32F767Zi Nucleo board.

STM32 Ethernet Demo

Now restart the STM32F7 Necleo. You should see the LED is blinking fastly. Then when you access this ā€œ192.168.1.25ā€ from your browser, you should see the webpage. When you access the ā€œ192.168.1.25/testā€œ, you should see the 404 error page. We have added only two HTML pages. You can add many pages to the fsdata_custom.c and fsdata.c files by using this process. Please check the below video demo.

Video Explanation

In our next tutorial, we are going to see how to control the LEDs in the STM32 Nucleo board using HTTP CGI.

Please read the otherĀ STM32 Tutorials.

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